I didn’t make the final decision to apply to NC State until after attending the fall open house on October 15th. Once I visited, I knew it was the place I wanted to study architecture. After much rushing, studying, test taking and portfolio building, I made the January 5th application deadline. Then waiting… wondering… second guessing.
Anyone who has known me for very long knows I have always wanted to be an architect, and in that waiting period it became clear how much I hoped to get the chance. Having the tendency to be an occasional pessimist, I was less than hopeful of my chances, but my loving wife was quite encouraging. A few days before our first year anniversary trip up to Carolina Beach the decision letter was posted — acceptance.
That letter began a new chapter for us. Long story short, we began to tell family and friends the news (the process is still underway) and take the necessary steps to move to Raleigh this August. We found an apartment in a great neighborhood just north of campus. I’ve never been close enough to anything to ride a bicycle, but now’s my chance! This is just the beginning of the process and this journal is a place for me to record the day to day experience of being an architecture grad student at NC State… hope you enjoy.