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NCMA Performing Arts Center Detail Study Model

After we worked through our initial design schemes, we moved on to design development and focused on the details of one section of our design proposal. In this stage we began developing overall structure and systems diagrams, a detailed wall section and a study model of a portion of our design. All of these were leading toward a final 3/8″ scale detail model.

This particular model studied the layering of the building on the side that opens to the art park. This shows the beginning of the idea of folding walls in the black box theater which were further developed in later stages of the project.

Alford-NCMA-PAC-Detail-Study-Model-1 Alford-NCMA-PAC-Detail-Study-Model-2 Alford-NCMA-PAC-Detail-Study-Model-3 Alford-NCMA-PAC-Detail-Study-Model-4 Alford-NCMA-PAC-Detail-Study-Model-5 Alford-NCMA-PAC-Detail-Study-Model-6 Alford-NCMA-PAC-Detail-Study-Model-7 Alford-NCMA-PAC-Detail-Study-Model-8
1/8″ scale detail study model
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    JPA PicI am an architect and graphic/web designer living and working in Myrtle Beach, SC and I love to build things. My time is currently shared between architecture and graphic/web design.

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